The MGGC History & Heritage Committee (HHC) is pleased to announce that our history archive is now available online courtesy of Collections WA.

Simply click the link, select the Organisation tab, choose Melville Glades, and you’re away. Or use this QR code on your mobile.

What is the archive?
Over the past three years we have been registering the club’s history using the MOSAiC software. MOSAiC is not simply an item registration table. It is a relational database that enables records to be related to other records. This structure is replicated on Collections WA. For example, we have registered all annual golf events – all those honour boards and trophies you see around the club walls and cabinets. If you look at an event (e.g. MGGC Open) it will have links to the relevant trophy and/or honour board. Selecting an individual winner of the event will show that person’s details and links to their achievements in other events. Some of these features cannot currently be directly searched for on Collections WA. To get you started, here are some examples.

… and much more. The content is being continuously updated.

Thank you, Collections WA
The HHC is very appreciative of the assistance provided by Collections WA to provide our archive online. Collections WA enable community organisations to publish their archive collections. You might find an interest in other organisations published on their system.

You can improve our archive.
We expect that some content you find will need further work or may contain mistakes. You may also have some club information that would complement the history archive.

Need more help or want to provide feedback?
If you want to know what else is available in the archive or need help to navigate the Collections WA website, please contact

PS We believe that MGGC is one of the first golf clubs in WA, perhaps Australia to provide such a comprehensive set of historical information online for members.

History & Heritage Committee
20 August 2023